Even though February is the shortest month it has been the absolute longest month for me. It has been so busy for me that you would think that time would have just flown by, but no... My baby is now five months old which seems crazy to say, she is amazing. She loves to eat and is the happiest baby ever. She is in the 50th percentile for both weight and height, which is an amazing thing for our household. She is such a fun baby. She is starting to giggle and she smiles all the time. She has no desire to roll over yet. She can move to her side but that is as good as it gets! Finn, is pretty dang funny these days and keeps me on my toes. Jesse has taught him some tooting tricks, which Jesse is extremely proud of. He has some funny phrases. His new favorite thing is anything Super Mario Brothers. He loves playing it on the Wii. It is the first thing that he talks about when he wakes up and it is the last thing before bedtime. I am feeling extremely blessed these days, I have beautiful healthy babies, a warm home to come home to an amazing hard working husband and a great family. I got hit with some reality once Jesse got home from Haiti (which he will have to do a post about and show some pictures.) We just have things very easy and I am very grateful. Now on with some pictures!
This is a little video of Lark, and for some reason it is fuzzy so I apologize.