Well another year has almost come to an end. It has been a crazy couple of weeks trying to fit in all the holiday parties and Jesse being on-call on Christmas which meant we were able to celebrate Christmas a day early which was great and a little sad...but all in all it was a lot of fun. It was so nice to hang out with family and do our Christmas traditions. Here are just a few pictures from the last two weeks! We hope that you all had a great Christmas and we hope that you have a Happy New year!
All the cousins with Santa at the Angus family Christmas party and of course...Jesse was on-call
Finn checking out the loot!
Finn sitting on Santa's lap. He is probably thinking who is this freak and get me off right now!
Me and Jesse's cute Grandma Angus
Christmas morning... Well, Christmas eve morning!
Finn opening up his stocking
Finn showing off his new choo-choo train from Santa
And his cool new car!
Finn was the star/angel for the Spencer family Christmas program!
Oh how sweet
Who needs toys when you can just have a box!
Our Finners
Jesse's mom made all the kids matching Christmas jammies. The kids just loved them and they all looked so cute.
Random picture of Finn becoming a big boy. He loves to sit on the potty and sometimes something happens but most of the time...nothing!! But he is getting there right!
We have just been hit with snow lately and here is Finn's first official playing in the snow day
This is Finn's new favorite thing to do. He throws all the cushions off the couch and then the jumping begins!
Finn and his buddy Dax being boys
They got some pretty good air on this one!
Grandma Kris gave us a Wii for Christmas and here is Jesse and Finn showing off their skills
Lindy's brother received a Wii for Christmas also so they came over to play. And these are his two cute kids and Finn playing with Unle Jeff
Lindy's brother got Finn a Nerf Dart set for Christmas and Finn and his buddy Dax were testing it out. They look pretty sweet don't they!
Me and my permanent date partner -Finn went to have lunch with some of my girlfriends from High School. It is very rare when we can all get together. But Korryn was in town at we met at Rumbi's for lunch. It is so funny getting together , you seem to talk about all the old flames from High School and who you have seen lately. It was really nice to see all of them. Here is a picture from our date!Erin, Debbie, Finners, Korryn, and Me
This is Debbie, Me, Korryn and Erin when we were Juniors in High School. It is a crappypre- digital picture so I apologize, but I thought it was fun!
And some Random pictures of our cute boy!
When I am getting Finn ready for bed he always like to give me loves. It is the cutest thing he just wraps his little arms and legs around me and I love it.
Finn being a good boy and brushing his teeth
He is a little monkey. He loves to jump on our bed!
Giving Elmo kisses
This is Finn's new favorite thing. He loves to dump all of my shoes out and play in box. He will take it out and push it all around the house.
A quicky to let you know we are still alive. Things are going well and somehow we have been busy but when we look back, we haven't been doing much. It makes you dizzy if you think about it for too long. Some fun things that we have done lately and took a total of zero pictures: ***We went caroling the other night with a bunch of people from Jesse's residency program. It was out of control but a lot of fun. ***We hit the Ogden City Christmas Village downtown O-town and managed to not get stabbed or robbed or anything. In fact, Jesse thinks this display may be a little better than Temple Square because they sell hot cocoa and there was a live band playing Christmas tunes- funk-style. Ogden is awesome. ***Lindy has seen "Twilight" twice. This could have been the highlight of her year. ***Jesse went with his parents to the "Messiah-sing-in" in Draper. He has missed this over the past few years as we have been in Denver. This is quite possibly the highlight of his year. This year he tried to sing tenor with Neil. He thinks they hit about 30% of the notes correctly. This is not bad, about average. ***Finn has been introduced to Krispy Kreme doughnuts and he is down with them.
It has been wild. Because blog posts are boring without pictures, here are a few for you to enjoy. This is a great idea when Christmas parties get a little boring. You flap your lips like you are making motorboat sounds and snap a picture. You can get some real winners sometimes. Below are the first four that we took. We suggest that you all try this and post your favorites sometime. Joy to the world-
It was amazing that Jesse's dentures didn't fall out.
Dougie-fresh flapping away with Ava mid-blink.
Lindy looks a little like a fish.
Rachel just looks like she is squeezing something out.
A little video of Finn that we took as we were just sitting here posting the pictures.
We haven't really learned how to use our cell phones yet so we hope that you don't expect much from our blog. Whatever.
We are in Ogden now, living the dream. We just celebrated our sixth year anniversary and are both showing signs of aging. Jesse is getting gray hair and Lindy's bones ache. Soon enough we will be talking about denture glue-stuff and the senior center's chicken fried steak. Lindy honestly looks forward to eating that stuff.
We are in Ogden while Jesse completes a family medicine residency. Lindy stays at home with the fruit of our loins and does a great job at playing the all-American housewife. Our little bambino, Finn, is doing well. He definitely rules this house and does a good job of keeping us on our toes. He has lots of new tricks and also finds time to squeeze in new mischief daily.