Tough guys wear dino pajama tops.
We got the gorilla to smile, but Finn was too distracted.
Getting ready to trash the place.
Josh teaching Finn how to open presents.
Just before the game got started. We sat on the purple row-the mile high row.
The flag and smoke from the fireworks. This is about the time that the temperature dropped 20 degrees in 10 minutes.
This is a picture of Finn's bum in Boulder, getting a fresh diaper in front of the courthouse.
Last shot from Boulder- watch out ladies!
Finn and Josh playing on the swings
This is at the park right behind our house
This is Finn playing airplane with Uncle Dan. Finn got plenty of attention during the trip and is overall a pretty social dude.
Finn at the park for the last Sunday band concert of the year.
Crawling in front of the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. We let him roam freely hoping that he would get "discovered", put in a movie or two, and pay for his parents' early retirement. Not this trip...
Here is the boy and, if you look closely with a little imagination, the Hollywood sign in the background. Yeehaw.
Still in Hollywood at the Harry Potter shrine.
The ladies drooling over Matt Damon. That is Lindy with Melissa and her stinking-cute daughter Maggie.
Here is Lindy feeding Finn on a grassy area at Hermosa Beach. He was obviously really enjoying his formula (or maybe just the beach scene).
Here we are at Manhattan Beach. We had an awesome day with the Manleys doing the whole beach thing- getting crushed by waves, boogie-boarding, basking in the sun, eating fish tacos, and people watching.
This is still Manhattan Beach with the whole crew.
Finn at the airport, scoping the scene for babes.
Here is a slideshow of many of the other pictures that we took. We will hopefully get some video on soon of Finn's first beach experience. He loved it.